Tag: Sound Telegraph

Sam Bloor takes out Rockingham Art Prize with Cosmic Horror photograph

Sam Bloor has claimed the major award for most outstanding work at…

4 Min Read

First AUKUS nuclear-powered submarine workers headed to Hawaii for training on US subs at Pearl Harbor

The first contingent of workers set to build and operate Australia’s fleet…

3 Min Read

Rally to save Penguin Island colony demands action from State Government to protect small population

Hundreds of people rallied to save Penguin Island’s penguin colony on Sunday,…

3 Min Read

Kwinana ratepayers to be hit with 4.2 per cent rate rise after council unanimously backs increase

The City of Kwinana council has unanimously voted to slug ratepayers with…

2 Min Read

Lavoro Italian Restaurant hit with massive fine over filthy kitchen with cigarette butts and cockroaches

A Rockingham restaurant crawling with cockroaches and labelled a danger to guests’…

4 Min Read

Kwinana Industries Council calls for Governments to invest in infrastructure after $33.5m funding announcement

The Kwinana Industries Council called on State and Federal Governments to invest…

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