Tag: protests

How Members of the Chinese Diaspora Found Their Voices

On October 13, 2022, more than two years into China’s totalizing COVID…

14 Min Read

Connecting with Trans History, Rebellion, and Joy, in “Compton’s 22”

When Drew de Pinto first learned about the Compton’s Cafeteria riot—in which…

2 Min Read

Speech Under the Shadow of Punishment

The academic year, which had scarcely begun on October 7th, culminated this…

10 Min Read

The Shadow of Tiananmen Falls on Hong Kong

In the spring of 1989, Chinese students protesting for democracy chose a…

9 Min Read

Can Chicago’s 2024 DNC Shake Off the Long Shadow of ’68?

Dick Simpson was there. It was 1968, and he was serving as…

8 Min Read

The Other Side of the River

Four men stood precariously, supported by outstretched hands, on a rickety metal…

12 Min Read

The Radical Case for Free Speech

If you read certain columnists or follow a particular set of writers…

18 Min Read

Randall Kennedy on Harvard Protests, Antisemitism, and the Meaning of Free Speech

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1 Min Read

War in Gaza, Shibboleths on Campus

A philosophy without a politics is common enough. Aesthetes, ethicists, novelists—all may…

13 Min Read

Israel, Gaza, and the Turmoil at One American University

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3 Min Read