Tag: Nickel

Chalice Mining in funding, technical talks with Mitsubishi Corporation for Toodyay green metals mine

Chalice Mining has lured Japanese industrial giant Mitsubishi into an early stage…

3 Min Read

Former prime minister Kevin Rudd blasts London Metal Exchange for not supporting ‘green’ nickel

Kevin Rudd has labelled the world’s most important trading house for nickel…

1 Min Read

Liontown, Lynas and Wyloo Metals all give Federal Labor’s production tax relief the thumbs-up

Three miners of three different future-facing commodities at different stages of the…

4 Min Read

New IGO boss Ivan Vella looking at the bright side after baptism of fire

New IGO boss Ivan Vella says his first four months at the…

3 Min Read

Ardea’s big idea: compete with Indonesian nickel producers thanks to Japan’s backing

An email out of the blue from Tokyo two years ago has…

6 Min Read