Tag: Federal Politics

Business leaders look past politics to improve Australia-China relationship

Business leaders are looking beyond the political tensions in the relationship with…

3 Min Read

China-Australia critical minerals tensions in spotlight as Li Qiang visits Perth

The gulf between Beijing and Canberra over Chinese investment in Australia’s critical…

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Cheng Lei: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese calls out Chinese officials’ ‘ham-fisted’ treatment of journalist

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has criticised the “ham-fisted” attempts by Chinese officials…

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Robert Irwin’s touching post amid Pauline Hanson saga: ‘Biggest inspiration’

Robert Irwin has shared a touching post to his “biggest inspiration”.The 20-year-old…

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‘Brazen as it is bizarre’: Nationals senator Bridget McKenzie slams Labor on freedom of press

Senior Labor and Nationals MPs have clashed in a fiery confrontation over…

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Chinese-Australian community front of mind for leaders’ Perth visit

Western Australia’s Chinese-Australian community and vital resources industry will take centre stage…

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Uniting NSW demands Premier Chris Minns announce date for promised drug summit

Furious drug reform advocates have sent a terse message to NSW Premier…

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Hundreds of human rights protesters and supporters greet Chinese Premier ahead of leaders talks

Hundreds of human rights protesters and pro-China supporters have gathered outside Parliament…

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Peter Dutton leads ahead of Anthony Albanese as preferred leader

Opposition leader Peter Dutton has slid ahead of Anthony Albanese as the…

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Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s message to China’s second-in-charge Li Qiang: We both want peace

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will tell China’s second-most powerful politician that both…

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Chinese premier Li Qiang promises new pandas, declares relationship with Australia ‘back on track’

Panda diplomacy has lived up to its name, with Chinese Premier Li…

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Foreign minister Penny Wong touches on tension points ahead of diplomatic talks with China’s premier

Penny Wong has reiterated Australia’s concerns over China’s reported involvement in Russia’s…

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