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SA votes down Nordic model sex work reform by single vote

An Australia-first Bill that would have criminalised men who buy sex but decriminalise the women who sell it has been…

5 Min Read

Grandmother allegedly bashed by freed immigration detainee ‘let down’

A cancer survivor and grandmother who was allegedly bashed at the hands of a freed immigration detainee says she can’t…

5 Min Read

Atlassian releases do-it-yourself chatbots for business

Australian businesses will be invited to create their own generative artificial intelligence chatbots in a development that could stop employees…

3 Min Read

US Federal Reserve Keeps Interest Rates At 23-year High

The US Federal Reserve held interest rates steady for a sixth straight meeting on Wednesday, keeping the level at a…

5 Min Read

Police Deployed On US Campuses As Protest Unrest Simmers

Police deployed a heavy presence on US university campuses Wednesday after forcibly clearing away some weeks-long protests against Israel's war…

6 Min Read

The Police Take City College

Scores of people were arrested at the City University of New York on Wednesday—a scene “very reminiscent of the 1968…

13 Min Read

Fed leaves rates unchanged, blames inflation

The US Federal Reserve has held interest rates steady and signaled it is still leaning towards eventual reductions in borrowing…

5 Min Read

Kevin You & Rocco Loiacono: State’s dream of net zero by 2030 is simply unachievable

In June 2022, the State Government announced its plan to close all state-owned coal-fired power stations by 2030 as part…

6 Min Read

The world’s happiest countries are targeting net-negative emissions — despite a growing ‘greenlash’

The world’s happiest countries are pressing ahead with plans to achieve more than just net zero emissions — even in…

7 Min Read

Calls to establish climate change intelligence unit

Australia is failing to give enough consideration to how climate change will impact food and water security and change the…

2 Min Read