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Trump Marks Second Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Overturned By Trying To Figure Out How Best To Brag About It

Monday marks two years since five United States Supreme Court justices overturned Roe v. Wade and ushered in an era…

5 Min Read

RFK Jr. Is Running Out of Time to Join Biden and Trump on the CNN Debate Stage

The clock is ticking for independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to qualify for next week’s US presidential debate hosted…

6 Min Read

Willie Mays, Baseball’s “Say Hey Kid,” Is Dead at Age 93

Willie Mays, the “Say Hey Kid”—who was considered by many to have been the greatest centerfielder, if not the greatest…

5 Min Read

Washington Post Publisher Will Lewis and Incoming Executive Editor Robert Winnett Used Stolen Records While Reporting in Britain: NYT

The freshly appointed publisher of The Washington Post, Will Lewis, and its incoming executive editor, Robert Winnett, both used fraudulently…

5 Min Read

Biden’s Hollywood Fundraiser Brings in George Clooney, Julia Roberts, and $30 Million

Some of Hollywood's biggest names packed the Peacock Theater in Los Angeles Saturday night, but the event wasn't an awards…

2 Min Read

Trump Slams Milwaukee As “Horrible” Ahead of RNC, Democrats Are Using It To Campaign

In a closed-door meeting with GOP members of Congress on Capitol Hill on Thursday, former President Donald Trump reportedly used…

3 Min Read

WallStreetBets, GameStop, and the “Swirl of Distrust” That’s Electrifying the Stock Market

Everyone loves an underdog. But in 2012, when Jaime Rogozinski founded WallStreetBets, the rowdy but resourceful subreddit dedicated to sharing…

6 Min Read

How the Naughty ’90s Set the Stage for Today’s Tragicomedy

You couldn’t have 2020s America—and the half-witted half-decade of Trump that preceded it—without the 1990s. Newt Gingrich walked so that…

10 Min Read

How the Trump Administration Sacrificed Slaughterhouse Workers for Meat Monopolies

They were eventually offered a choice of countries in which to settle, among them Canada, Australia, and Norway. They picked…

4 Min Read

Trump Loyalist and US Senate Candidate Keri Lake Slams NYC Conviction, Speaks In Front of Confederate Flag

Kari Lake, the leading Republican candidate for the US Senate in Arizona, recently delivered a speech in front of a…

5 Min Read