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The World Keeps Getting Richer. Some People Are Worried

In April, 1968, a consequential meeting took place in the Villa Farnesina, a stately Roman home built for Pope Julius…

18 Min Read

We Must Defend the Bust

Who’ll take pity on the breast man? If such a creature still exists, that is. The targets of his fixation…

14 Min Read

Garth Risk Hallberg Takes On the Life-and-Times Novel

The Great American Novel is a long-dead cultural aspiration, extinguished by a healthy realization that the country is too big…

11 Min Read

Can Forgetting Help You Remember?

Four times a year, I attend the Yizkor service at synagogue. Yizkor in Hebrew denotes “remembrance,” and the official name…

19 Min Read

Class Consciousness for Billionaires | The New Yorker

Around the start of the twenty-first century, the Oxford sociologist Jonathan Gershuny noticed a change in the way the privileged…

18 Min Read

What the Origins of Humanity Can and Can’t Tell Us

In the summer of 1856, laborers at a limestone quarry near Düsseldorf were clearing mud and chert out of a…

13 Min Read

“This Strange Eventful History,” Reviewed

What becomes of an attaché when the country he is attached to vanishes? In “This Strange Eventful History,” by Claire…

14 Min Read

How Far Should We Carry the Logic of the Animal-Rights Movement?

Despite these decades of foment, the publication of “Animal Liberation,” roughly a century later, came as a shock. In fearsomely…

20 Min Read

Briefly Noted Book Reviews | The New Yorker

Knife, by Salman Rushdie (Random House). In August, 2022, more than thirty years after the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini issued a…

2 Min Read