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“Consent,” by Jill Ciment, and “Change,” by Édouard Louis, Reviewed

On time, as anticipated, they have returned, tunnelling into view, leaving their sooty signature. Pale in the sudden light, they…

9 Min Read

“Long Island Compromise,” Reviewed | The New Yorker

The rich are always crying poverty when it comes time to pay a ransom: “Net worth and liquidity are not…

12 Min Read

How to Start a War Over Taiwan

Catastrophic wars can start in peripheral places: Sarajevo, for the First World War; Gleiwitz, on the German-Polish border, for the…

17 Min Read

The Radical Faith of Harriet Tubman

Just how far down did Moses go? The spiritual does not say, but one of the prophet’s namesakes—the woman who…

14 Min Read

Anthony Fauci’s Side of the Story

Some fifty pages into his autobiography, “On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service” (Viking), Anthony Fauci, the former head…

15 Min Read

How the Philosopher Charles Taylor Would Heal the Ills of Modernity

Lyric poets and mathematicians, by general agreement, do their best work young, while composers and conductors are evergreen, doing their…

26 Min Read

Should We Kill Some Wild Creatures to Protect Others?

The northern spotted owl is about a foot and a half high, with very dark eyes, a greenish beak, and…

12 Min Read

When the C.I.A. Messes Up

Washington, eager for results but low on options, tried similar tactics elsewhere—with similar outcomes. “All told, hundreds of the CIA’s…

12 Min Read

Pandemic Novels, Reviewed | The New Yorker

In the early, self-improvement phase of the pandemic, people would sometimes comment on the opportunities that lockdown presented for art…

18 Min Read

What Does Freud Still Have to Teach Us?

There are more than thirty full-length biographies of Sigmund Freud in circulation today. Why keep writing them? Generally, there are…

18 Min Read