Culture / The Current Cinema

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“Music” Gives the Tragedy of Oedipus an Elusive but Hypnotic Retelling

In the opening moments of “Music,” the tenth feature film from the German writer and director Angela Schanelec, thunder claps,…

13 Min Read

“Green Border” Confronts the Horror and Heroism of the Refugee Crisis

October, 2021, a plane bound for Belarus. Among the passengers are a Syrian couple, Bashir (Jalal Altawil) and Amina (Dalia…

15 Min Read

“Inside Out 2”: Once More, with Feelings

The best-loved Pixar movies are often spoken of in terms of their tried-and-true emotional impact, how reliably they reduce us…

16 Min Read

All the Films in Competition at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival, Ranked from Best to Worst

The seventy-seventh annual Cannes Film Festival came to a startling and joyous conclusion on Saturday night, when the competition jury,…

21 Min Read

The Beautifully Unnerving Gaze of “Evil Does Not Exist”

The Japanese writer and director Ryûsuke Hamaguchi operates in a key of seductively textured realism: present-day stories, crystalline images, unadorned…

14 Min Read