Culture / Photo Booth

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The Unfiltered Charm of Jet’s Beauties of the Week

A new book, “Black Is Beautiful: JET Beauties of the Week” (powerHouse Books), collects some of the pictures that LaMonte…

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Bela Borsodi’s Luminous Images of Children and Their Drawings

Borsodi admits almost bashfully that he’s good with kids. “I don’t come at them with this adult stuff—I see them…

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Lyle Ashton Harris’s Scrapbooks of the Self

“Billie Dreaming in Blue,” 2021.Harris, who has taught in the U.S. and abroad for much of his postgrad life, can…

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An Egyptian Photographer’s Portraits of a Changing Sinai

In 2014, Eldalil settled in St. Catherine, where she would live for the next seven years. With the help of…

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What Asian America Meant to Corky Lee

Today, Asian Americans still lean Democratic, but they—I mean, we—are becoming more prominent in the Republican Party. It’s common now…

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The View from Palestinian America

Eid’s shots are simple and warm; one could imagine stumbling upon them in a stack of prints fresh from CVS…

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